Definition of Give somebody the heave-ho

1. Verb. (idiomatic British) to fire, expel or break up with someone. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Give Somebody The Heave-ho

give oneself airs
give or take
give out
give over
give place
give rise
give rise to
give some skin
give somebody a hand
give somebody a hard time
give somebody a piece of one's mind
give somebody an earful
give somebody pause
give somebody the brush-off
give somebody the cold shoulder
give somebody the heave-ho
give somebody the old heave-ho
give somebody the runaround
give somebody the slip
give somebody what-for
give someone a big head
give someone a bloody nose
give someone a buzz
give someone a jingle
give someone a ring
give someone five
give someone grief
give someone his head
give someone the business
give someone the chair

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